delta exchange brokerage calculator (beta)

Crypto Trading Brokerage Calculator


v 0.1 (18th May, 2023)

v 0.1 (18th May, 2023)
  • You can calculate the fees for your order based on the Delta Exchange fee as of 18th May, 2023
  • You have to add the price of your order excluding the leverage.
    • Example 1:
      • If you bought 1 BTC futures @ 27020 with 100x leverage. Your price will come out to be 270.20.
      • Your buy price will still be 1 x 27020 = 27020, which is what you have to enter.
    • Example 2:
      • If you bought 0.1 BTC futures @ 27020 with 10x leverage. Your price will come out to be 270.20.
      • Your buy price will be 0.1 x 27020 = 2702, which is what you have to enter.
  • In case you only want to calculate the price of 1 leg, you just need to enter 0 as the value for the other leg.
  • If one of your orders is a taker order and the other one is a maker order, you need to calculate them separately.